Existing law charges the Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry with certain duties relating to low-income housing and affordable housing, including creating a statewide low-income housing database and administering the Account for Affordable Housing. (NRS 319.143, 319.500)
Section 2 of this bill requires the Division to, subject to the availability of funds appropriated for such a purpose, develop and implement a supportive housing grant program. The program must include a process for applying for a grant to: (1) procure and develop supportive housing; (2) train and build the capacity of a supportive housing partnership; (3) fund the operation of a supportive housing partnership; and (4) analyze the progress of supportive housing in this State. Section 2 also requires the Division to: (1) consult with the Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on Homelessness to Housing before approving any application for a grant to procure and develop supportive housing; (2) adopt regulations to carry out the grant program which must include the criteria for eligibility to receive money and procedures for the submission and review of applications; and (3) submit an annual report containing certain information about the grant program to the Chair of the Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on Homelessness to Housing, the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau.
Section 3 of this bill creates the Nevada Supportive Housing Development Fund in the State Treasury and provides that the money in the Fund must be used to carry out the provisions of section 2.
Section 4 of this bill makes an appropriation to the Fund to carry out the supportive housing grant program.