The Bureau of Water Quality Planning is responsible for implementing programs to meet requirements of the Clean Water Act and Nevada water quality statutes and regulations that protect and/or improve the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the waters of Nevada. Bureau staff conduct water quality testing; bio-assessment and physical habitat monitoring; develop and/or revise water quality standards for adoption by the State Environmental Commission; develop the impaired waters list; develop total maximum daily loads and/or watershed implementation plans to address water quality impairments; issue certifications to ensure that proposed discharges meet applicable effluent limitations and water quality standards; assist in the development and review of area-wide waste management plans; mitigate the adverse effects from nonpoint source pollution through implementation of water quality improvement and public education projects; promote intra and inter-agency program coordination; and provide technical assistance. This budget account is funded by federal grants. Fees collected through the Bureau of Water Pollution Control National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit programs are used as the state match to the Federal Clean Water Act, Section 106 grant. Statutory Authority: NRS 445A.300-.730.