Founded in 1971, Nevada Humanities is an independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit, nationally-recognized program that works in partnership with local communities to develop and fund humanities-based cultural and educational programs. As Nevada's state humanities council, was established under provisions contained in the 1965 federal legislation creating the National Endowment for the Humanities (U.S. Code: Title 20, Chapter 26, Subchapter 1 Sec. 956 (f)(1-7)). Nevada Humanities creates an environment conducive to the cultivation of local culture, community health and resilience, economic development, heritage tourism, lifelong learning, and quality K-12 education by fostering public humanities activities such as literacy programs, workshops, lectures, exhibitions, publications, book festivals, teacher institutes, documentary films, and a humanities grantmaking program that subawards federal funds to Nevada non-profit organizations across the state. After four consecutive biennia of legislative provisions of one-shot funding to support a southern Nevada office, the 2005 Legislature converted the one-shot funding request to an ongoing General Fund appropriation.