The mission of the Medical Division of the Nevada Department of Corrections (NDOC) is to provide quality, constitutionally mandated health care using an efficient system of managed care that is professional, humane and appropriate. Inmate health care is comprised of medical, dental and clinical mental health care. To fulfill its mission, the Medical Division operates infirmaries or clinics at all NDOC institutions. The major medical facility for the department is the Regional Medical Facility (RMF) integrated into the operation and perimeter of the Northern Nevada Correctional Center. The RMF provides inpatient medical care for serious medical conditions, surgical aftercare, inpatient mental health care, structured living unit for mental health patients after discharge from inpatient services, and long term care for fragile, aging and disabled inmates. Mental health extended care is also provided at High Desert State Prison. The camps and transitional housing centers obtain medical services from institutions specifically assigned to support them. In fiscal year 2003, the Medical Division resumed the provision of health care services for Ely State Prison and in fiscal year 2005, resumed the provision of health care services for Florence McClure Women's Correctional Facility from two different private health care contractors. In fiscal year 2004, inmate programming moved from the Medical Division and organized into a separate Programs Division, budget account 3711, which was funded by the Legislature. The Medical Division is not National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) accredited; however, NCCHC standards are used as a guideline for policy and procedure development. Statutory Authority: NRS 209