The existing Charter of Carson City requires that Carson City be divided into four wards. The existing Charter of Carson City also requires the Board of Supervisors of Carson City to: (1) realign the boundaries of the wards on or before January 1 preceding the next general election at which Supervisors are elected, if reliable evidence indicates that the population of a ward exceeds any other ward by more than 5 percent; and (2) reconsider the boundaries of the wards upon the receipt of information from the preceding national decennial census. (Carson City Charter § 1.060) Section 1 of this bill requires instead that the Board of Supervisors realign the boundaries of wards whenever: (1) reliable evidence indicates the population of a ward exceeds any other ward by more than 5 percent; or (2) the population in a ward exceeds the population in any other ward by more than 5 percent, as determined by the preceding national decennial census. The existing Charter of Carson City provides that terms of Supervisors, including the Mayor, are 4 years. (Carson City Charter § 2.010) Existing law further provides that the terms of office for Supervisors: (1) begin the first Monday of January succeeding their election; and (2) expire at 12 p.m. of the day preceding the first Monday in January following the election. (NRS 0.0305, 244.030, 244.040) Sections 2, 7 and 8 of this bill provide instead that the terms of Supervisors: (1) begin at midnight on the first Monday in January following the general election; and (2) end at 11:59 p.m. on the day immediately preceding the first Monday in January following the general election. Section 9 of this bill makes a conforming change to clarify that these changes are applicable to Supervisors who are in office on the effective date of this bill. Section 4 of this bill revises the style of ordinances of Carson City. Under the existing Charter of Carson City, the Board of Supervisors must adopt or reject an ordinance, or amendment to an ordinance, within 45 days after the date of publication. (Carson City Charter § 2.110) Section 5 of this bill requires instead that the Board of Supervisors adopt or reject an ordinance, or amendment to an ordinance, within 60 days after the date of publication. Section 5 further amends the Charter to require that the ordinances must be signed, attested by the Clerk and published by title in a newspaper in Carson City not later than 14 days after the adoption. The existing Charter of Carson City provides that if the Office of Mayor becomes vacant, the Mayor Pro Tempore shall serve as Mayor until the next general election. (Carson City Charter § 3.015) Section 6 of this bill provides that the Mayor Pro Tempore shall serve as Mayor for the unexpired term of the former incumbent. Section 3 of this bill makes a conforming change to clarify that the Mayor Pro Tempore fills a vacancy in the Office of Mayor.

Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 244.030, 244.040
As Enrolled: 244.030, 244.040
BDR: 244.030, 244.040