Existing law prohibits a person from: (1) torturing or unjustifiably injuring, maiming, mutilating or killing an animal kept for companionship or pleasure or any cat or dog; or (2) overdriving, torturing, cruelly beating or unjustifiably injuring, maiming, mutilating or killing any animal or causing, procuring or allowing any such act against an animal. (NRS 574.100) Section 1 of this bill also prohibits: (1) committing these acts against an animal kept for working purposes or a domesticated animal that is not owned by any person; and (2) depriving an animal of proper ventilation, necessary veterinary care or grooming and shearing under certain circumstances. Section 1 provides that a person may claim, as an affirmative defense to a charge of depriving an animal of necessary veterinary care or grooming or shearing, that he or she was unable to afford such veterinary care, grooming or shearing.
Existing law prohibits the abandonment of maimed, diseased, disabled or infirm animals. (NRS 574.110) Section 1 prohibits the abandonment of any animal and sets forth what constitutes abandonment of an animal.
Existing law prescribes minimum standards for the housing, keeping and restraining of dogs and sets forth certain exceptions to these provisions. (NRS 574.100) Section 1 prohibits a person from restraining a dog using: (1) a collar, harness or other device that is not properly fitted; or (2) a tether, chain, tie, trolley or pulley system or other device that has a weight attached. Section 1 also prohibits leaving a dog outside and unattended unless the dog is provided with: (1) adequate shelter; (2) an area that allows the dog to avoid standing water and exposure to excessive animal waste; (3) shade from direct sunlight; and (4) potable water. Section 1 provides an exception from these prohibitions for a dog that is actively engaged in or training for: (1) police, military, patrol or detection work; (2) search and rescue; (3) herding, livestock guarding or other work; (4) guide dogs, hearing dogs or service dogs; and (5) trials, sporting or other lawful competitions or competitive functions.
Section 1.5 of this bill repeals a provision of existing law relating to the abandonment of disabled animals.
Statutes affected: As Introduced: 574.100
Reprint 1: 574.100, 574.110
Reprint 2: 574.100, 574.110
BDR: 574.100