The Open Meeting Law requires that a public body such as the board of trustees of a school district give notice of its meetings by: (1) posting an agenda consisting of a list describing the items on which action may be taken by the public body; and (2) clearly denoting that action may be taken on those items by placing the term “for possible action” next to the appropriate item or, under certain circumstances, by placing the term “for possible corrective action” next to the appropriate item. (NRS 241.015, 241.020) Existing law sets forth certain requirements and procedures for meetings of the board of trustees of a school district, including, without limitation: (1) a requirement that the board of trustees hold a regular meeting at least once each month; and (2) the authority for the president of the board of trustees to call special meetings under certain circumstances. (NRS 386.330) Section 1.5 of this bill prohibits, except in an emergency that impacts the school district, the board of trustees of a school district from taking any action or corrective action at a regular meeting or special meeting on an item that has been posted on its agenda pursuant to the Open Meeting Law after 11:59 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Section 1.5 further provides that if the board of trustees has not taken action or corrective action, as applicable, on any item that is on its agenda before 11:59 p.m. on the day of the meeting, the board of trustees must not take any further action or corrective action on any item that is on the meeting agenda unless the board of trustees: (1) schedules the delayed agenda item at a future meeting; or (2) waits at least 24 hours after the originally scheduled time of the meeting but not later than 3 business days after the originally scheduled date of the meeting to take action or corrective action.
Existing law establishes the Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment in the Department of Education and requires the Director of the Office to investigate any complaint that a teacher, administrator, coach or other staff member or member of a governing body has violated applicable provisions of law regarding discrimination based on race, bullying or cyber-bullying. (NRS 388.1323) Existing law also requires the Director to establish the SafeVoice Program within the Office, which allows a person to make an anonymous report to a support center regarding dangerous, violent or unlawful activity that is conducted, or is threatened to be conducted, on the property of a public school or in certain other circumstances related to public schools. (NRS 388.1455) Any anonymous tip made through the SafeVoice Program is then forwarded to the appropriate public safety agencies and certain trained personnel at the public school for appropriate action to be taken. (NRS 388.14553) Section 3 of this bill provides that the Director is not required to investigate a complaint that a teacher, administrator, coach or other staff member or member of a governing body has violated applicable provisions of law regarding discrimination based on race, bullying or cyber-bullying if the complaint is made through the SafeVoice Program and investigated by certain trained personnel at the public school, unless the complaint alleges that a previous investigation of the same matter by the personnel at the public school failed to resolve the issue or was otherwise deficient.
Section 2 of this bill revises the definition of “bullying” to exclude acts, gestures and expressions which are engaged in as part of a mutual disagreement or conflict.
Upon receiving a report of discrimination based on race, bullying or cyber-bullying, existing law requires the administrator of a school or his or her designee to immediately begin an investigation into the report. With certain exceptions, existing law requires the investigation to be completed not later than 2 school days after receipt of the report. (NRS 388.1351) Section 6 of this bill requires the investigation to be completed, to the greatest extent practicable, within 5 school days after the administrator or designee receives the report, or within 7 school days if extenuating circumstances prevent the investigation from being completed within 5 school days. Section 6 also removes the requirement for a direct supervisor of a principal to submit to the Office a quarterly report regarding incidents of discrimination based on race, bullying or cyber-bullying.
Existing law authorizes the board of trustees of a school district or the governing body of a charter school to offer a work-based learning program upon the approval of the State Board of Education. (NRS 389.167) Section 9 of this bill requires a work-based learning program to be approved instead by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Existing law requires a child to be a certain age on or before the first day of the school year to be admitted to certain early grades of school. (NRS 392.040) Section 12 of this bill changes the date by which a child must attain a certain age to start certain early grades from the first day of the school year to August 1 of the school year, or if August 1 does not occur during a school year, on or before August 1 preceding a school year.
Existing law, in general, requires a child between 7 and 18 years of age to attend public school. (NRS 392.040) Section 12.5 of this bill revises this provision to require each child to begin attending public school once the child is 6 years of age, rather than 7 years of age. Section 15.5 of this bill requires a child who is 6 years of age or older on or before August 1, 2024, and enrolls in public school for the first time to be admitted to kindergarten or first grade.
Section 15.7 of this bill authorizes a public school to: (1) admit a child who was enrolled in a prekindergarten program during the 2022-2023 school year in kindergarten for the following school year if the child is 5 years of age on or before the first day of the school year; and (2) promote a pupil who is enrolled in and who successfully completes kindergarten or first grade in a public school during the 2022-2023 or 2023-2024 school years to the next grade level for the following school year, regardless of his or her age during the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years, as applicable.
Statutes affected: As Introduced: 385A.250, 388.122, 388.1323, 388.133, 388.1333, 388.1351, 388A.495, 388C.150, 389.167, 391.690, 391.710, 392.040, 392.4644, 392.466, 392.472
Reprint 1: 388.122, 388.1323, 388.1351, 389.167, 392.040, 392.160, 422A.333
Reprint 2: 386.330, 388.122, 388.1323, 388.1351, 389.167, 392.040, 392.160, 422A.333
As Enrolled: 386.330, 388.122, 388.1323, 388.1351, 389.167, 392.040, 392.160, 422A.333
BDR: 385A.250, 388.122, 388.1323, 388.133, 388.1333, 388.1351, 388A.495, 388C.150, 389.167, 391.690, 391.710, 392.040, 392.4644, 392.466, 392.472