Existing law prohibits, in general, a person from engaging in certain activities relating to gaming without procuring a state gaming license. (NRS 463.160, 463.162, 463.650) Section 1 of this bill authorizes the Chair of the Nevada Gaming Control Board, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Chair, to administratively approve certain persons associated with a holder of a license issued by the Nevada Gaming Commission who is deceased or who has been judicially declared to be disabled to temporarily engage in such activities or receive proceeds therefrom without procuring a state gaming license. Section 1 authorizes the Chair to condition or limit an administrative approval in any manner he or she deems necessary and appropriate. Section 1 further provides that a person who is administratively approved by the Chair to temporarily engage in certain gaming activities or receive proceeds therefrom without procuring a state gaming license is: (1) required to comply with the provisions of law and regulations governing gaming; and (2) subject to disciplinary action for any violation of such provisions. Sections 3, 4 and 9 of this bill make conforming changes by referring to such an exception for temporary administrative approval in the applicable provisions of law governing the gaming activities for which a state gaming license is otherwise required. Existing law requires gaming employees to be registered with the Board and defines the term “gaming employee.” (NRS 463.0157, 463.335) Section 1.5 of this bill revises the definition of the term “gaming employee” to clarify which persons are required to be registered with the Board. Existing law requires, in general, state agencies to coordinate their debt collection efforts through the State Controller and assign debts to the State Controller for collection. (NRS 353C.195) If the State Controller determines that it is impossible or impractical to collect a debt, he or she is authorized to request that the State Board of Examiners designate the debt as a bad debt. (NRS 353C.220) Existing law requires the Nevada Gaming Control Board to: (1) prepare and furnish to the Commission an annual report that shows all debts owed to the Board that became or remained delinquent during the preceding year and includes the amount of any delinquent debt that the Board determines is impossible or impractical to collect; and (2) request that the State Board of Examiners designate any amount of delinquent debt determined to be impossible or impractical to collect as bad debt. (NRS 463.123) Section 2 of this bill authorizes the Nevada Gaming Control Board to designate as bad debt any amount of debt it assigned to the State Controller for collection that the Board determines is impossible or impractical to collect instead of having to request that the State Board of Examiners designate the debt as a bad debt. Section 2 also provides that if the State Controller determines that it is impossible or impractical to collect a debt assigned by the Board, he or she is required to request that the State Board of Examiners designate the debt as a bad debt. Section 11 of this bill makes a conforming change to refer to the exception that the State Controller is required, instead of authorized, to request that the State Board of Examiners designate the debt as a bad debt under section 2. Existing law establishes the general powers and duties of the Board and Commission. (NRS 463.140) Section 2.5 of this bill requires that the provisions of law governing gaming that relate to any license, registration, finding of suitability or other approval or authorization be administered by the Board and the Commission. Section 2.5 also establishes an exception to certain authorized actions of the Board, the Commission and their agents. Existing law authorizes the Board or Commission or certain persons to obtain a judicial determination of any construction or validity arising under certain provisions of law governing gaming or any regulation of the Commission by bringing an action for a declaratory judgment in the: (1) First Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada in and for Carson City; or (2) district court of the district in which the plaintiff resides or does business. (NRS 463.343) Existing law also authorizes any person aggrieved by a final decision or order of the Commission made after a disciplinary hearing or rehearing to obtain a judicial review of the decision or order in the district court of the county in which the petitioner resides or has his, her or its principal place of business. (NRS 463.315) Section 5 of this bill additionally authorizes a person to obtain such a judicial review in the district court in and for Carson City. Section 6 of this bill revises certain language relating to bringing an action for a declaratory judgment to more closely resemble the language used in section 5. Existing law: (1) requires the Commission to charge and collect a license fee from an applicant for a restricted operation for each slot machine for each quarter year before the Commission issues a state gaming license to the applicant; and (2) establishes when the license fee must be paid. (NRS 463.373) Section 7 of this bill provides that any person who is authorized to receive a share of the revenue from any slot machine that is operated on the premises of a licensee is liable to the licensee for the person's proportionate share of the license fee and is required to remit or credit his or her proportionate share to the licensee on or before certain dates. Existing law provides that if the Commission approves the issuance of a license for gaming operations at the same location that is currently licensed or, if the license is for the operation of a slot machine route, locations that are currently licensed, the Chairs of the Board and Commission are authorized in certain circumstances to administratively determine that for the purposes of certain fees, the license shall be deemed transferred, the previously licensed operation shall be deemed a continuing operation and credit must be granted for prepaid license fees. (NRS 463.386) Section 8 of this bill includes additional fees for which prepayment credit must be granted with respect to a continuing operation. Existing law: (1) authorizes the Commission to provide by regulation for the operation and registration of hosting centers and persons associated therewith; and (2) requires such regulations to provide that the premises on which the hosting center is located are subject to the power and authority of the Board and Commission, as though the premises are where gaming is conducted and the hosting center is a gaming licensee. (NRS 463.673) Existing law similarly: (1) authorizes the Commission to provide by regulation for the licensing of an interactive gaming service provider, the registration of a service provider and the operation of such a service provider or interactive gaming service provider; and (2) requires such regulations to provide that the premises on which an interactive service provider and a service provider conducts its operations are subject to the power and authority of the Board and Commission, as though gaming is conducted on the premises and the interactive gaming service provider or service provider is a gaming licensee. (NRS 463.677) Sections 9.1 and 9.3 of this bill, respectively, instead authorize the Commission to adopt regulations that define the scope of the power and authority of the Board and Commission as it deems appropriate based on the type and function of a hosting center or the specific interactive gaming service provider or service provider. Sections 9.5 and 9.7 of this bill make conforming changes to refer to provisions that have been renumbered by section 9.3. Existing law establishes provisions concerning the employment of retired public employees and provides that a person who accepts employment or an independent contract with certain entities is exempt from certain provisions of existing law for the duration of the employment or contract. (NRS 286.520) Section 10.5 of this bill also exempts a person who accepts employment or an independent contract with the Commission as a Commissioner appointed by the Governor from such provisions for the duration of the employment or contract.

Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 463.123, 463.160, 463.162, 463.315, 463.343, 463.373, 463.386, 463.650, 286.293, 353C.220
Reprint 1: 463.0157, 463.123, 463.140, 463.160, 463.162, 463.315, 463.343, 463.373, 463.386, 463.650, 463.677, 463.750, 463.767, 286.520, 353C.220
Reprint 2: 463.0157, 463.123, 463.140, 463.160, 463.162, 463.315, 463.343, 463.373, 463.386, 463.650, 463.673, 463.677, 463.750, 463.767, 286.520, 353C.220
As Enrolled: 463.0157, 463.123, 463.140, 463.160, 463.162, 463.315, 463.343, 463.373, 463.386, 463.650, 463.673, 463.677, 463.750, 463.767, 286.520, 353C.220
BDR: 463.123, 463.160, 463.162, 463.315, 463.343, 463.373, 463.386, 463.650, 286.293, 353C.220