The bill establishes the "New Mexico Resident Physician Recruitment Program" within the graduate medical education office at the University of New Mexico. This program aims to enhance recruitment opportunities for resident physicians by providing funding for supervised rotations at non-University of New Mexico hospitals and clinics across the state. The graduate medical education office will manage the program, which includes funding for resident salaries, cost-of-living stipends, medical malpractice insurance, and travel reimbursement. Participating hospitals and clinics are required to create a supportive learning environment, assign a licensed physician mentor, and comply with national work hour restrictions for residents.

Additionally, the bill appropriates $1,200,000 from the general fund to the University of New Mexico for the fiscal year 2026 to support these residency options. The graduate medical education office is also tasked with conducting annual surveys of participating hospitals, clinics, and residents to evaluate the program's effectiveness, with a report to be submitted to the legislature by January 1, 2026. Any unspent funds at the end of the fiscal year will revert to the general fund.