The bill establishes a new "Planning Bureau" within the Economic Development Division of the Economic Development Department in New Mexico. This bureau is tasked with addressing issues related to the state's growth and development, as well as coordinating the use of land, facilities, and resources. The Planning Bureau will collaborate with various state agencies, including the Department of Transportation and the Department of Environment, to create a comprehensive development plan that focuses on job creation, housing, transportation needs, and interagency collaboration. The plan will be updated every three years or as necessary, and the bureau will also work with Indian nations, tribes, or pueblos on development matters upon their request.
Additionally, the bill includes an appropriation of one million dollars from the general fund for the staffing of the Planning Bureau for fiscal year 2026 and subsequent years. Any unspent funds at the end of a fiscal year will not revert to the general fund, allowing for continued support of the bureau's operations.