The "Border Security Act" establishes the Office of Border Security in New Mexico, which will be responsible for coordinating efforts between federal and local governments to construct and maintain a border fence between New Mexico and Mexico. The act outlines the powers and duties of the office, including the ability to exercise eminent domain for public use and to enter into joint powers agreements with the federal government. The office will be led by a director appointed by the governor with the senate's consent, and it may employ additional staff as needed.

To support the initiatives outlined in the act, the Border Security Fund is created as a nonreverting fund in the state treasury, consisting of appropriations, gifts, grants, and donations. The act appropriates a total of $6 million from the general fund for the fiscal years 2026 through 2029, with $4 million designated for the construction of the border fence and $2 million for operational expenses related to establishing the office. The act declares an emergency, allowing it to take effect immediately for the public peace, health, and safety.