House Joint Memorial 2 requests the New Mexico Legislative Council to convene an eleven-member task force to explore the possibility of combining standing and interim committees into committees that would operate year-round, during both the legislative session and the interim. The task force would consist of four members from the House of Representatives (two from the majority party and two from the minority party), four members from the Senate (also split between majority and minority parties), and three public members with expertise in legislative affairs. The task force is tasked with considering various aspects of this potential restructuring, including staffing needs, administration, funding, and the necessary legislation to implement these changes by 2027.

The memorial emphasizes the potential benefits of such a restructuring, including increased efficiency in the legislative process, reduced overlap of subject matter, continuity in membership and staffing, and more meaningful endorsements of legislation during the interim. The task force is expected to report its findings and recommendations to the New Mexico Legislative Council and the director of the legislative council service by November 30, 2025. Additionally, copies of the memorial will be sent to relevant legislative leaders and committees.