The proposed legislation, known as the "Military Base Planning and Impact Act," establishes a framework for supporting defense communities in New Mexico through the creation of the Military Base Impact Fund. This fund will provide grants for infrastructure projects aimed at accommodating or leveraging military facility expansions, retaining military missions, and stimulating the recruitment of new defense employers. The act defines key terms such as "defense community," "defense worker," and "military facility," and outlines the responsibilities of the military base planning commission, which includes advising the governor and collaborating with community organizations to ensure the viability of military bases.

Additionally, the act mandates annual reports from the military office to the governor and the legislative committee on economic development, detailing the status of the fund and the success of grant recipients. The legislation also includes a significant appropriation of $12 million from the general fund to support the Military Base Impact Fund for fiscal year 2026 and beyond. Furthermore, it repeals the sunset provision for the Office of Military Base Planning and Support and the Military Base Planning Commission, ensuring their continued operation.

Statutes affected:
introduced version: 9-15-64, 9-15-51.1
LV substitute: 9-15-64, 9-15-51.1