This bill amends R.S.37:1-13 to expand the list of individuals authorized to solemnize marriages and civil unions in New Jersey by including deputy county clerks. The current law allows various judges, retired judges, surrogates, county clerks, mayors, and members of the clergy to perform these ceremonies. The new language specifies that deputy county clerks are now included among those who can officiate weddings, thereby increasing accessibility for couples seeking to marry.

Additionally, the bill outlines the requirements for civil celebrants to be certified by the Secretary of State to solemnize marriages or civil unions. This includes age and educational prerequisites, completion of a designated course, and submission of an application with a fee. The bill also establishes a process for revoking a celebrant's certification if they fail to meet the requirements. Overall, this legislation aims to streamline the marriage officiation process and broaden the options available to couples in New Jersey.