The bill establishes the Substance Use Disorder and Addiction Treatment Best Practices Task Force within the Department of Health. This task force aims to assess whether an existing government body or a new agency should oversee the substance use disorder system of care, make recommendations for improving the current system, develop best practices for outpatient treatment centers and sober homes, and provide guidance on regulating dual ownership of these facilities. The task force will consist of 12 members, including legislative representatives, state officials, and public members with relevant expertise, and will be required to present its findings and recommendations to the Governor and Legislature within two years of its formation.

The task force's creation responds to concerns about the fragmented oversight of addiction services in New Jersey, as highlighted by a State Commission of Investigation report that identified fraudulent practices within the industry. The task force will meet regularly, with all meetings open to the public, and will be supported by the Department of Health in its administrative functions. The task force will dissolve 30 days after submitting its report, which is intended to enhance the effectiveness and integrity of addiction treatment services in the state.