The Students with Communication Disabilities Bill of Rights Act establishes a framework to ensure that students with communication disabilities receive the necessary support and services to facilitate effective communication in educational settings. The bill emphasizes the importance of tailored auxiliary aids and services, as mandated by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, to accommodate the unique communication needs of these students, which may include various methods such as augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems, sign language, and other assistive technologies. It recognizes the critical role of trained assistants in helping students utilize their preferred communication methods and highlights the need for school districts to provide comprehensive support, including early intervention, direct instruction, and individualized education plans.

Specifically, the bill mandates that school districts conduct appropriate screenings and assessments, provide individualized early intervention, and ensure that students have access to trained assistants and full participation in all educational programs. It also requires the inclusion of a communication plan in the students' Individualized Education Programs and 504 plans, ensuring that their primary and preferred communication methods are prioritized. Importantly, the bill clarifies that it does not extend rights beyond those already established under existing federal and state laws.