ASSEMBLY, No. 4757
Synopsis: Permits amusement games licenses to be issued to certain nonprofit
Type of Impact: Annual State and municipal revenue and expenditure increases.
Agencies Affected: Department of Law and Public Safety.
Office of Legislative Services Estimate
Fiscal Impact
Annual State and Local Expenditure Increases Indeterminate
Annual State and Local Revenue Increases Indeterminate
 The Office of Legislative Services (OLS) finds that this bill would result in an indeterminate
annual State expenditure increase related to the expansion, processing, and regulation of
amusement games licenses to certain qualifying nonprofit organizations by the Department of
Law and Public Safety. The OLS further notes that the bill may increase annual State revenue
collections from application fees, licensure fees, fines, and penalties by indeterminate amounts.
 As licensed entities are additionally subject to licensing by municipalities that have approved
the conduct of amusement games within their boundaries, this bill may affect municipal
revenues and expenditures.
This bill permits amusement games licenses to be issued to certain qualifying nonprofit
organizations by the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission in the Division of
Consumer Affairs in the Department of Law and Public Safety.
Under current law, amusement games are permitted to be conducted by licensed entities at
locations that include certain entertainment venues of the licensee, recognized amusement parks,
seashore or other resort areas constituting amusement or entertainment areas, and at agricultural
fairs, 4-H Clubs or exhibitions. Licensed entities are additionally subject to licensing by
municipalities that have approved the conduct of amusement games within their boundaries.
Office of Legislative Services Legislative Budget and Finance Office
State House Annex Phone (609) 847-3105
P.O. Box 068 Fax (609) 777-2442
Trenton, New Jersey 08625 www.njleg.state.nj.us
FE to A4757
Under the bill, a charitable organization determined by the federal Internal Revenue Service to
be a tax exempt organization pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, would
be eligible to be issued an amusement games license pursuant to the Amusement Games Licensing
Law, to conduct amusement games at festivals, carnivals, or fairs held for the benefit of, or
sponsored by, the tax exempt organization, provided that all other requirements for licensure to
conduct amusement games are met.
The OLS has not received a formal fiscal note on this bill, but has received informal
information from the Department of Law and Public Safety. The department anticipated a range
of 180 to 190 potential amusement games licensees, assuming the number of charitable
organizations that seek an amusement games license under this bill is similar to the number of
charitable organizations that have received a license to conduct a non-draw merchandise raffle.
The representative from the department indicated that a non-draw merchandise raffle license is the
kind of raffle license that non-profit organizations typically obtain to run carnivals or fairs.
However, the department indicated that there was an expectation that many qualifying non-
profit organizations, if not most, would continue to operate under their non-draw merchandise
raffle licenses rather than pursue an amusement games license, as it is a more involved a process
to obtain an amusement games license than it is to obtain a raffle license.
The OLS finds that this bill would result in an indeterminate annual State expenditure increase
related to the expansion, processing, and regulation of amusement games licenses to certain
qualifying nonprofit organizations by the Department of Law and Public Safety. The OLS further
notes that the bill will increase annual State revenue collections from application fees, licensure
fees, fines, and penalties by indeterminate amounts.
As noted above, the department indicated that they anticipate that the qualifying nonprofits
may continue to request non-draw merchandise raffle licenses. The cost difference between the
two licenses may also be a deterrent to obtaining an amusement games license. A non-draw
merchandise raffle license is currently $20 through the Legalized Games of Chance Control
Commission. The amusement games State license annual fee is $250 pursuant to State law.
As licensed entities are additionally subject to licensing by municipalities that have approved
the conduct of amusement games within their boundaries, this bill may affect municipal revenues
and expenditures.
Section: Law and Public Safety
Analyst: Kristin Brunner Santos
Lead Fiscal Analyst
Approved: Thomas Koenig
Legislative Budget and Finance Officer
This fiscal estimate has been prepared pursuant to P.L.1980, c.67 (C.52:13B-6 et seq.).