
SENATE, No. 3517






Sponsored by:


District 14 (Mercer and Middlesex)


District 25 (Morris and Passaic)






Expands Division of State Police rank and grade titles.



As introduced.

An Act concerning the Division of State Police personnel and amending P.L.1950, c.154.


Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


1. Section 3 of P.L.1950, c.154 (C.53:1-5.2) is amended to read as follows:

3. a. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the [rank and grade of any member of the State Police may be changed from time to time, and the] number of Division of State Police personnel may be increased, by the [superintendent] Superintendent of State Police where [such] a change or increase is necessary for the efficient operation of the Division of State Police in the Department of Law and Public Safety [; provided, the action of the said superintendent in making any such change or increase, shall be approved by the head of said department. No such change or increase shall be made unless it can be effected within the limitations of the appropriations for the said division].

b. The superintendent may change the rank and grade of any trooper, detective, first line supervisor, mid-level manager, or executive-level personnel of the division for the efficient operation of the division.

c. The superintendent may change command staff positions holding the rank of major and lieutenant colonel for the efficient operation of the division; provided, the action of the superintendent in making any personnel change shall be approved by the Attorney General.

d. No change shall be made to personnel staffing unless it can be effected within the limitations of the appropriations for the division.

(cf: P.L.1950, c.154, s.3)


2. This act shall take effect immediately.





This bill expands on certain Division of State Police titles that may change in rank and grade upon the approval of the Attorney General.

Currently, the Superintendent of the Division of State Police in the Department of Law and Public Safety may change or increase the rank and grade of any member or increase the number of personnel for the efficient operation of the division. These changes are to be approved by the Attorney General and budgeted within the limitations of the divisions appropriations.

This bill specifies the titles in which the superintendent may change or increase ranks and grades and which changes require the approval of the Attorney General.

Specifically, the bill permits that the superintendent may change the ranks and grades of any trooper, detective, first-line supervisor, mid-level manager, or executive-level personnel for the efficient operation of the division without the approval of the Attorney General.

Further, the bill provides that the superintendent may only make changes to command staff positions holding the rank of major and lieutenant colonel upon the approval of the Attorney General.

The bill requires that any personnel changes should be achieved within the limitations of the divisions appropriations, consistent with current law.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 53:1-5.2