

No. 182






Sponsored by:

Assemblywoman AURA K. DUNN

District 25 (Morris and Passaic)


District 15 (Hunterdon and Mercer)






Designates May 30 of each year as Stigma Free Awareness Day in NJ.



As introduced.

A Joint Resolution designating May 30 of each year as Stigma Free Mental Health Awareness Day in New Jersey.


Whereas, Mental health conditions can be acute or chronic and can affect an individuals psychological, emotional, and social well-being and ability to perform major life activities; and

Whereas, According to the Center for Disease Control, diagnosable mental health conditions are among the most common health conditions in the United States, with approximately 20 percent of adults and 17 percent of youth aged six to 17 experiencing a mental health disorder; and

Whereas, In New Jersey, approximately 18 percent of adults reported experiencing mental illness, 15 percent reported having a substance use disorder, and 4 percent reported having serious thoughts of suicide; and

Whereas, Among youth in New Jersey, 12.5 percent experienced at least one major depressive episode, 7.26 percent reported having a substance use disorder, and 7.5 percent experienced severe major depression; and

Whereas, Despite the prevalence of diagnosable mental health conditions, however, mental health stigma remains pervasive and can affect people of all ages, socioeconomic classes, religions, and racial and ethnic backgrounds; and

Whereas, Public stigma may manifest in negative stereotypes, such as beliefs that individuals with mental illness are dangerous, incompetent, or weak in character, prejudice, and discrimination; and

Whereas, Self-stigma can manifest as feelings of shame, internalized negative stereotypes regarding people with mental health conditions, and social isolation; and

Whereas, Mental health stigma may lead people to experience worsening mental health symptoms and may inhibit people from seeking treatment; and

Whereas, In 2022, 28.2 percent of adults in the United States and 21.7 percent of adults in New Jersey who reported symptoms of anxiety or depression also reported having an unmet need for counseling or therapy; and

Whereas, According to the American Psychological Association, 60 percent of survey respondents who had an unmet mental health need cited shame and stigma as major barriers to accessing treatment; and

Whereas, Over time, internalized feelings of shame and stigma surrounding ones mental health can lead to feelings of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts or actions; and

Whereas, Due to the serious adverse effects of mental health stigma, stigma-reduction is a public health priority in New Jersey; and

Whereas, Mental health experts indicate that having regular discussions concerning mental health, educating other about mental health, and showing compassion towards others can help destigmatize mental health and empower individuals in need to seek help; and

Whereas, Recognizing May 30 of each year as Stigma Free Mental Health Awareness Day in New Jersey will amplify efforts to increase awareness surrounding the negative impact of stigma surrounding mental health, normalize conversations about mental health, and encourage those living with mental health disorders to seek appropriate treatment; now, therefore,


Be It Resolved by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


1. May 30 of each year shall be designated as Stigma Free Mental Health Awareness Day in New Jersey.


2. The Governor is requested to issue a proclamation annually to recognize Stigma Free Mental Health Awareness Day and call upon relevant State agencies, organizations, and citizens of the State to participate in appropriate awareness activities and initiatives.


3. This joint resolution shall take effect immediately.




This joint resolution designates May 30 of each year as Stigma Free Mental Health Awareness Day in New Jersey to increase awareness surrounding the negative impact of mental health stigma, normalize conversations about mental health, and encourage those living with diagnosable mental health conditions to seek help.

Diagnosable mental health conditions can affect an individuals psychological, emotional, and social well-being and ability to perform major life activities. In 2022, approximately 28 percent of adults in the United States and 21 percent of adults in New Jersey reported having an unmet need for mental health treatment. Many individuals with unmet mental health needs cite shame and stigma as major barriers to accessing treatment. Over time, internalized feelings of shame and stigma surrounding ones mental health can lead to feelings of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts or actions.

Due to the serious adverse effects of mental health stigma, stigma-reduction is a public health priority in New Jersey. As research demonstrates increasing awareness and having regular conversations regarding mental health can help destigmatize mental health and empower those in need to seek treatment, May 30 of each year shall be designated as Stigma Free Mental Health Awareness Day in New Jersey. The Governor is requested to issue a proclamation annually to recognize Stigma Free Mental Health Awareness Day and call upon relevant State agencies, organizations, and citizens of the State to participate in appropriate awareness activities and initiatives.