The resolution designates May 17 of each year as Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) Awareness Day in New Jersey, aiming to raise public awareness about this serious intestinal disease that primarily affects medically fragile infants. NEC is characterized by inflammation and tissue damage in the intestines, leading to severe complications, including systemic infection and long-term developmental issues. The condition is particularly prevalent among premature infants, with a mortality rate of 20-30% and significant long-term health impacts for survivors, including motor skill loss and cognitive impairments. The resolution highlights the need for increased public education and support to mitigate the social and financial burdens associated with NEC, which costs the U.S. healthcare system approximately $5.8 billion annually.

By designating May 17 as NEC Awareness Day, the resolution encourages the Governor to issue an annual proclamation and calls upon public officials and citizens to engage in activities that promote awareness and understanding of NEC. This initiative aligns with the global observance of World NEC Awareness Day and aims to foster a greater understanding of the condition's risk factors, symptoms, and potential interventions. The resolution underscores the importance of community involvement in addressing this critical health issue, ultimately seeking to reduce the prevalence and impact of NEC in New Jersey.