
ASSEMBLY, No. 4079






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District 27 (Essex and Passaic)






Renames Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital as Richard J. Codey Psychiatric Hospital.



As introduced.

An Act concerning psychiatric hospitals and amending and supplementing Title 30 of the Revised Statutes.


Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


1. (New section) a. Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital shall be renamed, and thereafter referred to, as Richard J. Codey Psychiatric Hospital.

b. The Department of Health shall alter its official publications to reflect this designation, and shall make expeditious efforts to replace any existing signs, advertisements, or any other public indicators of the hospitals name to reflect this designation.

c. Whenever any reference is made in any law, rule, regulation, contract, or document to Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital, the same shall mean and refer to the Richard J. Codey Psychiatric Hospital.


2. R.S.30:1-7 is amended to read as follows:

30:1-7. The long-term care facilities, institutions, and psychiatric facilities of this State, within the meaning of this Title, shall include the following, and, as well, any facilities established hereafter for any similar purpose:

Trenton Psychiatric Hospital,

[Greystone Park] Richard J. Codey Psychiatric Hospital,

Ancora Psychiatric Hospital,

Ann Klein Forensic Center,

North Jersey Developmental Center,

New Lisbon Developmental Center,

Woodbine Developmental Center,

Vineland Developmental Center,

Woodbridge Developmental Center,

Hunterdon Developmental Center.

(cf: P.L.2013, c.253, s.11)


3. R.S.30:4-160 is amended to read as follows:

30:4-160. The New Jersey State Hospitals, designated in R.S.30:1-7 as psychiatric hospitals, shall include the existing buildings and lands of Ancora Psychiatric Hospital, [Greystone Park] Richard J. Codey Psychiatric Hospital, Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, and the Ann Klein Forensic Center, and all grounds or places where the patients thereof may from time to time be maintained, kept, housed, or employed.

(cf: P.L.2013, c.253, s.14)


4. This act shall take effect immediately.



This bill renames Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital as Richard J. Codey Psychiatric Hospital.

The Department of Health will be required to alter its official publications to reflect this designation, and will make expeditious efforts to replace any existing signs, advertisements, or any other public indicators of the hospitals name to reflect this designation. Under the bill, any reference made in any law, rule, regulation, contract, or document to Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital will refer to the Richard J. Codey Psychiatric Hospital. The bill revises any references to Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital in current law to Richard J. Codey Psychiatric Hospital.