The bill amends R.S.43:21-5 to enhance eligibility for unemployment benefits in New Jersey. It introduces a provision allowing individuals who leave their job to accept a job offer that is later rescinded—through no fault of their own—to qualify for benefits, provided the new job's pay or hours are not less than their previous employment. The time frame for this provision is extended from seven days to ten days, starting from the date the individual notified their first employer of their departure.

Additionally, the bill ensures that individuals who leave work due to domestic violence will not be denied benefits, and their employer's account will not be charged for these benefits. It also permits individuals to leave work to accompany a spouse who is an active member of the U.S. Armed Forces to a new residence due to a transfer, without losing eligibility for benefits, as long as they move within nine months of the transfer and are available for suitable work upon arrival. These amendments aim to provide greater support and flexibility for individuals facing employment challenges due to personal circumstances, while also codifying the court's decision in McClain v. Bd. of Review regarding entitlement to unemployment benefits in such situations.