This bill establishes a three-year pilot program within the Department of Education (DOE) to evaluate the academic and health benefits of incorporating therapy dogs into public elementary school wellness programs. The program aims to assess how therapy dogs can enhance student wellness, with research suggesting potential improvements in attendance, confidence, motivation, and literacy skills. School districts interested in participating must submit an application detailing their elementary schools, student enrollment, wellness program participation, and plans for utilizing therapy dogs.

The Commissioner of Education will select two districts from each of New Jersey's southern, central, and northern regions, ensuring a diverse representation of urban, suburban, and rural areas. The commission will provide guidance on the implementation of therapy dogs, including recommended activities, training for handlers, health evaluations for the dogs, and insurance considerations. By June 30 of the third school year after the program's initiation, the commissioner is required to submit a report to the Governor and the Legislature evaluating the program's effectiveness in improving students' academic performance and health outcomes.