This bill amends R.S.43:21-5 to clarify eligibility for unemployment benefits, particularly for individuals who leave their job to accept an offer from another employer that is later rescinded through no fault of their own. The bill increases the allowable time frame for the new employment to commence from seven days to ten days after leaving the previous job. This change codifies the court's decision in McClain v. Bd. of Review, which established that employees in such situations are entitled to unemployment benefits.
Additionally, the bill modifies the language regarding disqualification for benefits by replacing the term "ten" with "10" in the context of the earnings required for requalification after voluntary separation from employment. It also specifies that the ten-day period for reemployment will begin from the date an employee provides notice of their departure if they are terminated before that date. Overall, the bill aims to provide clearer guidelines for unemployment benefits eligibility and to protect employees who are affected by job offer rescissions.