This bill proposes a supplemental appropriation of $500,000 from the General Fund to the Nurture thru Nature (NtN) program at Rutgers University for the fiscal year 2023. The NtN program, established in 2009, aims to provide STEM educational opportunities and hands-on learning experiences for students in grades three through twelve, particularly addressing challenges faced by students in inner-city school districts. These challenges include under-representation in STEM fields, inadequate preparation for STEM careers, and summer learning loss.
The funding is intended to enhance the program's effectiveness, which has already shown positive outcomes such as improved science and mathematics grades, increased interest in STEM disciplines, and a higher rate of students pursuing higher education in STEM fields. Additionally, the program fosters the development of essential non-cognitive skills, including problem-solving, pro-social behavior, and leadership. The bill is set to take effect immediately upon enactment.