
ASSEMBLY, No. 2607






Sponsored by:


District 18 (Middlesex)


District 36 (Bergen and Passaic)


Co-Sponsored by:

Assemblywoman Katz






Modifies definition of paratransit service under various sections of law.



Introduced Pending Technical Review by Legislative Counsel.

An Act concerning paratransit services and amending various parts of the statutory law.


Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


1. Section 3 of P.L.2020, c.114 (C.27:25-37) is amended to read as follows:

3. For the purposes of P.L.2020, c.114 (C.27:25-35 et seq.):

"Community organization" means an organization that provides programs and services to persons with disabilities.

"Corporation" means the New Jersey Transit Corporation.

"Corporation paratransit service" means the paratransit service that is managed, administered, or provided directly through the New Jersey Transit Corporation's operating budget, as a part of the Access Link program or any successor program to meet the requirements of the "Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990" (42 U.S.C. s.12101 et seq.), and does not include services directly provided by county transit agencies.

"County transit agency" means a transportation service organized under or in conjunction with a county government to provide trips to senior citizens and residents with disabilities under the "Senior Citizen and Disabled Resident Transportation Assistance Act," P.L.1983, c.578 (C.27:25-25 et seq.).

"Department" means, unless another meaning clearly applies, the Department of Human Services.

"Paratransit provider" means any organization or entity that provides paratransit services, including State and local transit agencies, directly or through contract service, and community organizations that provide transportation trips, either directly or through a third party, funded by the Department of Human Services or the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services within the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

"Paratransit service" means and includes any transportation service other than fixed route transportation service[, except that "paratransit service" does not include private or charter services provided by taxicabs, limousines, or transportation network companies].

(cf: P.L.2020, c.114, s.3)


2. Section 3 of P.L.1979, c.150 (C.27:25-3) is amended to read as follows:

3. As used in [this act] P.L.1979, c.150 (C.27:25-1 et seq.):

a. "Corporation" means the New Jersey Transit Corporation.

b. "Motorbus regular route service" means and includes the operation of any motorbus or motorbuses on streets, public highways or other facilities, over a fixed route and between fixed termini on a regular schedule for the purpose of carrying passengers for hire or otherwise, in this State or between points in this State and points in other states.

c. "Capital equipment and facilities" means and includes, in connection with public transportation service, passenger stations, shelters and terminals, automobile parking facilities, ramps, track connections, signal systems, power systems, information and communication systems, roadbeds, transit lanes or rights of way, equipment storage and servicing facilities, bridges, grade crossings, rail cars, locomotives, ferries and ferry facilities, including capital projects for ferry terminals, approach roadways, pedestrian accommodations, parking, docks, ramps and other necessary land-side improvements, motorbus and other motor vehicles, maintenance and garage facilities, revenue handling equipment and any other equipment, facility or property useful for or related to the provision of public transportation service.

d. "Paratransit services" means and includes any transportation service[,] other than motorbus regular route service [and charter services, including, but not limited to, dial-a-ride, nonregular route, jitney or community minibus, and shared-ride services such as vanpools, limousines or taxicabs which are regularly available to the public. Paratransit services shall not include limousine or taxicab service reserved for the private and exclusive use of individual passengers].

e. "Public transportation or public transportation service" means rail passenger service, motorbus regular route service, paratransit service, motorbus charter service, and ferry passenger service.

f. "Motorbus charter service" means and includes subscription, tour, other special motorbus services or school bus services or charter services as set forth in section 7 of P.L.1979, c.150 (C.27:25-7).

g. "Rail passenger service" means and includes the operations of a railroad, subway, street, traction or electric railway for the purpose of carrying passengers in this State or between points in this State and points in other states.

h. "Ferry passenger service" means any service which involves the carriage of persons for compensation or hire by waterborne craft in this State or between points in this State and points in other states.

(cf: P.L.2005, c.91, s.1)


3. Section 3 of P.L.1991, c.252 (C.27:25A-3) is amended to read as follows:

3. As used in this act:

"Air passenger service" means any service which involves the carriage of persons for compensation or hire by aircraft.

"Atlantic City Expressway" means the expressway project known as the Atlantic City Expressway constructed by the New Jersey Expressway Authority pursuant to section 40 of P.L.1962, c.10 (C.27:12C-40).

"Atlantic City International Airport" means the airport authorized by section 24 of this act.

"Atlantic County Transportation Authority" means the county transportation authority authorized pursuant to P.L.1980, c.44 (C.40:35B-1 et seq.).

"Authority" means the South Jersey Transportation Authority created by section 4 of this act.

"Bond" means any bond or note issued by the authority pursuant to the provisions of this act or issued by or for an original authority or any predecessor authority thereof, as the case may be.

"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Transportation.

"Construction" or "construct" means the planning, designing, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, replacement, repair, extension, enlargement, improvement and betterment of expressway projects and transportation projects, and includes the demolition, clearance and removal of buildings or structures on land acquired, held, leased or used for those projects.

"Cost" means all or any part of the expenses incurred in connection with the acquisition, construction and maintenance of any real property, lands, structures, real or personal property rights, rights-of-way, fra