The proposed bill establishes new requirements for the expungement of mental health records for individuals seeking to purchase firearms. It mandates that local law enforcement must be notified prior to the expungement process, requiring petitioners to serve notice to the Attorney General, county prosecutor, and local police chiefs based on their residency. The court is tasked with considering the petitioner's mental health record, criminal history, and community reputation before granting relief, thereby ensuring a thorough review process aimed at protecting public safety. Additionally, the bill clarifies that expunged commitments cannot solely justify the denial of a firearms purchaser identification card or permit.

Furthermore, the bill reinforces the confidentiality of mental health records while allowing necessary disclosures for compliance with the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. It ensures that the application process for permits and identification cards remains consistent, prohibiting any additional requirements beyond those specified in the law. The bill maintains the existing fee structure and outlines the validity and renewal terms for permits and identification cards. It also clarifies that the transfer of firearms upon the death of an owner does not necessitate a permit or identification card, defining "immediate family" for inheritance purposes. Overall, the bill seeks to balance the rights of individuals with mental health histories against the imperative of public safety.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 30:4-80.9, 30:4-24.3