The proposed bill mandates the exclusive use of paper ballots and open-source voting technology in New Jersey elections, requiring all counties to implement this system within five years. It specifies that voting must occur at polling places using a paper ballot system with optical scanners or certified voting equipment, while electronic voting machines are only permitted for individuals with disabilities. The bill emphasizes transparency by mandating the use of open-source software and outlines strict protocols for maintaining and reconciling paper ballots and voting records, ensuring compliance with federal laws. Additionally, it introduces new instructions for voters at polling places, enhancing their rights and access to assistance.
The legislation also enhances early voting procedures by requiring counties to verify registered voters' eligibility and establish a minimum number of public early voting locations based on the county's registered voter population. It prohibits the use of public school buildings for early voting and mandates accessibility for individuals with disabilities. The bill includes security measures for handling voting equipment and ballots, requiring county boards to submit plans to ensure the integrity of the voting process. Furthermore, it updates language throughout existing laws to replace "voting machines" with "voting equipment," clarifying the roles of election officials and addressing emergency ballot handling. Overall, the bill aims to improve voter access, streamline voting procedures, and bolster election security.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 19:4-11, 19:12-7.1, 19:15A-1, 19:31-31, 19:32-49, 19:32-53, 19:53B-1, 19:53B-3, 19:53B-5, 19:53B-10, 19:53B-11, 19:53B-12, 19:53B-20, 40:45-18, 40A:4-45.45