P.L. 2023, c.087 (A5209)



An Act establishing the Agritourism Fund and requiring an appropriation to the fund of $2.5 million annually from the General Fund, and supplementing chapter 1A of Title 34 of the Revised Statutes and making an appropriation.


Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


C.34:1A-53.4 "Agritourism Fund" established; definition.

1. a. As used in this section:

Agritourism means a form of commercial enterprise that links agricultural production or agricultural processing with tourism to attract visitors onto a farm, ranch, winery, brewery, or other agricultural business for the purpose of entertaining or educating the visitors and generating income for the farm, ranch, winery, brewery, or agricultural business owner.

b. There is established in the Department of State a nonlapsing revolving fund to be known as the Agritourism Fund, to be held separate and apart from all other funds of the State. The Division of Travel and Tourism shall administer the fund and ensure that monies deposited in the fund, and any interest earned thereon, shall be used for the purpose of making grants to New Jersey businesses involved in agritourism. The division shall award grants annually through a process established by the division.

c. There shall be appropriated annually from the General Fund to the Department of State the sum of $2.5 million for deposit in the Agritourism Fund to effectuate the purposes and objectives of this section. Any unspent monies in the fund shall be carried forward.


2. There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of State the sum of $2,500,000 for deposit in the Agritourism Fund to effectuate the purposes and objectives of this act, P.L.2023, c.87 (C.34:1A-53.4).


3. This act shall take effect immediately.


Approved June 30, 2023.