This bill enables the state treasurer to invest funds from the Nongame Species Account, which is part of the fish and game fund. The proposed amendments to RSA 212-B:6, I include the insertion of language that mandates the state treasurer to invest these funds as permitted by law, with any interest earned from such investments being credited back to the Nongame Species Account. The account will continue to receive moneys from various sources, including federal funds, state appropriations, and donations, and will be utilized for the development and implementation of a comprehensive nongame species management program.
The bill does not provide additional funding or authorize new positions, and its fiscal impact is expected to result in an indeterminable decrease in revenue for the General Fund while increasing revenue for the Nongame Species Account. The effective date of the act is set for 60 days after its passage. Overall, the legislation aims to enhance the management of nongame species by allowing for the investment of funds, thereby potentially increasing the resources available for conservation efforts.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 212-B:6