This bill establishes a Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee within the Department of Justice, which will conduct thorough, multidisciplinary reviews of deaths related to domestic violence. The committee's objectives include identifying barriers to victim safety, assessing responses from law enforcement and other agencies, and formulating recommendations to enhance systemic and community responses to domestic violence. The bill specifies the committee's composition, which includes stakeholders such as the attorney general, medical examiners, law enforcement representatives, and advocates for domestic violence victims. It also emphasizes the confidentiality of the committee's proceedings and findings, imposing strict penalties for unauthorized disclosures.

Furthermore, the bill introduces a criminal penalty for individuals who intentionally disclose information from committee proceedings, categorizing this offense as a class A misdemeanor. The attorney general is empowered to subpoena witnesses and obtain necessary information for the committee's work. The committee is mandated to submit a public biennial report starting October 1, 2026, detailing trends in domestic violence deaths and offering recommendations for legislative or policy changes. The bill does not create new revenue sources and its fiscal impact on state and local governments is indeterminable, particularly regarding judicial and correctional expenditures, which will need to be managed within existing budgets.