This bill establishes new requirements for landfill permits in New Hampshire, focusing on environmental protection and groundwater safety. It mandates that the Department of Environmental Services set a site-specific setback distance for new landfills from perennial rivers, lakes, or coastal waters, ensuring that contaminated groundwater does not reach these water bodies within a five-year timeframe. The setback distance will be determined based on the maximum seepage velocity of groundwater, calculated through independent hydrogeological assessments. Additionally, the bill stipulates that no permit will be granted if the proposed landfill does not meet these setback requirements.
Furthermore, the bill introduces several technical specifications for landfill operations, including the requirement that undisturbed soils beneath the landfill footprint must have a maximum saturated hydraulic conductivity of 1 x 10 cm/sec or less. It also mandates comprehensive subsurface investigations to assess the geological conditions and aquifer connectivity, as well as the presence of a qualified operator on-site 24/7 once the landfill begins accepting waste. The bill aims to enhance the regulatory framework surrounding landfill siting and operation, thereby safeguarding New Hampshire's water resources.