This bill establishes the Office of Film and Creative Media within the Department of Business and Economic Affairs, which will be supervised by a classified director. The office's responsibilities include connecting film and media industry organizations in New Hampshire, serving as a point of contact for production companies, providing information on tax incentives, and maintaining databases of industry professionals and opportunities. The office is also authorized to seek federal grants and partnerships to support its initiatives. Additionally, the bill creates two Business Enterprise Tax credits for film and motion picture production companies: a 25% credit for qualifying employee wages and a 25% credit for production-related expenses, with specific eligibility criteria outlined.

To support the establishment of this office, the bill appropriates $500,000 for each of the fiscal years ending June 30, 2026, and June 30, 2027, totaling $1,000,000. These funds are nonlapsing and will be used to manage and promote filmmaking in New Hampshire, including the hiring of a director and two full-time staff members. The fiscal impact on state revenues and expenditures is indeterminable, as it depends on the future activities of the office and the utilization of the new tax credits, which may not generate revenue until FY 2027 at the earliest.