This bill introduces a new section to RSA 105-D, specifically section 105-D:4, which outlines the procedures for the use and preservation of body-worn camera (BWC) recordings in criminal, juvenile delinquency, and administrative proceedings. The bill stipulates that law enforcement agencies or prosecutors may copy BWC footage for discovery purposes, but with strict limitations. These include restrictions on further copying or distribution of the recordings without a court order, requirements for destruction of copies after the case concludes, and mandates that original recordings be maintained until all terms of the sentence are completed. The bill also defines the "close of the case" and establishes penalties for violations, classifying them as misdemeanors.
Additionally, the bill deletes certain provisions from RSA 105-D:2 that may conflict with the new regulations regarding BWC recordings. The effective date of the act is upon its passage, and while the fiscal impact is indeterminable, it is noted that the bill may influence costs related to the judicial and correctional systems due to the changes in penalties and procedures.