This bill amends existing election laws to enhance the oversight of election processes by empowering inspectors of election. Specifically, it allows these inspectors to observe all duties performed by supervisors of the checklist, as outlined in various sections of the law (RSA 654, 655, 657, 658, 659, and 671). The bill also stipulates that each state political committee of the two parties with the most votes for governor can appoint inspectors of election, with additional provisions for larger polling places. The new legal language inserted includes the authority of inspectors to observe checklist supervisors and the requirement for political committees to appoint inspectors by a specified deadline.

Additionally, the bill addresses the filling of vacancies on the board of supervisors of the checklist, mandating that such vacancies be filled within 45 days by the town or city moderator. The language has been modified to clarify that the moderator is responsible for these appointments, and any appointee must belong to the same political party as the supervisor they are replacing, if declared. The effective date for these changes is set for January 1, 2026.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 658:2, 669:64