This bill amends the definition of "part-time" employment for retired members of the New Hampshire retirement system by increasing the maximum allowable work hours from 1,352 to 1,664 hours per calendar year. Additionally, it removes the previous 28-day waiting period that retired members had to observe before being employed on a part-time basis. The bill also specifies that certain detail assignments performed by retired law enforcement officers will not count towards the maximum hours cap, thereby allowing them to work additional hours without affecting their retirement status.

The changes made by this bill aim to provide greater flexibility for retired members of the New Hampshire retirement system who wish to continue working part-time. The bill does not allocate any new funding or positions and is expected to have an indeterminable impact on expenditures, as it is unclear how many employers will adopt these provisions. The potential effects on the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) are also uncertain, as the bill may influence the number of new full-time contributing employees in the retirement system.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 100-A:1