This bill amends current voting procedures to allow voters the option to request that their ballots be counted by hand instead of using electronic ballot counting devices. Specifically, it introduces new provisions that permit voters to present their ballots to the moderator for hand counting, with the requirement that privacy folders be available for this purpose. Additionally, the bill grants selectmen and town clerks the authority to conduct hand counts of ballots, either to confirm election results for specific races or to count ballots that were not processed through a voting machine or were counted by a machine that failed during the voting period.

The bill modifies existing legal language in RSA 659:23 and RSA 659:60, adding new subsections that outline these hand counting procedures and the responsibilities of election officials. The effective date of the act is set for 60 days after its passage. While the bill does not provide funding or authorize new positions, it is expected to have an indeterminable impact on local expenditures, particularly if a significant number of voters opt for hand counting, which could lead to increased costs for election workers and additional training requirements.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 659:23, 659:60