This bill amends the Managed Care Law regarding health carrier credentialing requirements by specifying that the costs associated with any additional programs or certifications mandated by health carriers during their credentialing procedures or provider eligibility determinations will be the responsibility of the health carriers themselves. The new legal language inserted into RSA 420-J:4, VI clarifies that while health carriers are not required to select a healthcare professional solely based on meeting their credentialing standards, they must bear the costs of any additional requirements they impose.

The bill does not allocate funding or authorize new positions, and its fiscal impact is indeterminable for both state and local governments. The Insurance Department notes that while the bill aims to ensure health carriers reimburse providers for certification-related expenses, the exact nature and extent of these costs are unclear. This could potentially lead to increased insurance premiums, affecting both health carriers and entities purchasing health insurance, such as counties and municipalities. The act is set to take effect 60 days after its passage.