This bill introduces a new section to RSA 159, specifically section 159:28, which exempts firearms and firearm accessories manufactured in New Hampshire for in-state use only from the National Firearm Act. The bill stipulates that these items can be marked with the phrase “For NH use only. Not for export outside NH,” and establishes that such marked firearms and accessories cannot be exported or possessed outside the state. Violating this provision, such as exporting or transferring these items outside New Hampshire, would result in a class B misdemeanor. Additionally, it is also a class B misdemeanor to alter or remove the marking unless the item is rendered permanently inoperable.

Furthermore, the bill clarifies that firearms and accessories marked for in-state use will be exempt from federal regulation regarding interstate commerce, as well as any related federal laws that rely on the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The act will take effect 60 days after its passage. The fiscal impact of the bill is indeterminable, with no expected revenue changes, but potential costs associated with judicial and correctional systems due to the new criminal penalties.