This bill mandates that permit applications for new landfills must include a comprehensive leachate management plan. Specifically, it introduces a new paragraph (V-b) to RSA 149-M:9, stating that the Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) cannot issue a permit for a new landfill unless the application includes a detailed plan outlining how leachate will be collected, stored, transported off-site, and processed. The plan must also detail contractual arrangements with entities involved in leachate transport and processing, ensuring enforceability and capacity to handle leachate throughout the landfill's operational life and post-closure period. Additionally, the bill allows for the renegotiation or termination of these contracts during the landfill's operation, provided that new arrangements are submitted to the department.
Furthermore, the bill adds a new subparagraph (d) to RSA 149-M:9, IX, which states that an application may be denied if it does not include the required leachate management plan. The bill is set to take effect 60 days after its passage and does not provide specific funding, although it may incur indeterminable costs for the state, counties, or municipalities if they choose to apply for a new landfill permit. The NHDES anticipates that the bill will necessitate additional administrative resources and rulemaking to implement these requirements.