This bill amends existing law to require operators of funeral escort lead vehicles to comply with yield signs in addition to stop signs and traffic control signals. The amendment specifically inserts the requirement to obey yield signs into the legal text, ensuring that funeral lead vehicles must yield before proceeding through an intersection. Once the lead vehicle has appropriately navigated an intersection after stopping at a stop sign or yielding at a yield sign, the rest of the vehicles in the funeral procession are allowed to follow without stopping, provided they exercise due caution and have the right-of-way.

The bill specifies the effective date of this new requirement as January 1, 2025. The legal language inserted into the current law includes the phrases "yield signs," and "or yield" to clarify the obligations of funeral procession lead vehicles at intersections with yield signs. There are no deletions indicated in the provided text of the bill. The bill was approved on July 3, 2024, and will be enacted at the beginning of 2025.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 265:156
Version adopted by both bodies: 265:156