This bill amends the New Hampshire Vaccine Association's definitions and assessment determinations to include the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) biological product. The bill specifies that "assessable lives" now includes children under 19 whose vaccines and RSV biological product are not covered by the federal Vaccines for Children program. It also redefines "assessment" to include the entity's liability with respect to childhood vaccines and the RSV biological product. The bill introduces a new definition for "respiratory syncytial virus biological product," which is a product approved by the FDA and recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to be added to the Vaccines for Children program and authorized by the commissioner for administration to children in New Hampshire.

The bill further amends the estimated vaccine cost to include the RSV biological product and adjusts the "total non-federal program cost" to account for the cost of the RSV biological product minus any federal revenue available for it. Additionally, the bill allows for a reserve of up to 10 percent of the anticipated cost for unanticipated costs associated with providing vaccines and the RSV biological product to children covered. The act is effective upon its passage, with an approval and effective date of July 26, 2024.

Statutes affected:
As Amended by the Senate: 126-Q:1, 126-Q:4
As Amended by the House: 126-Q:1, 126-Q:4
Version adopted by both bodies: 126-Q:1, 126-Q:4