SB 484-FN is a legislative bill that revises the procedures for documenting birth information in New Hampshire. It requires the completion of a birth worksheet for each live birth in a hospital, institution, or birthing center, and mandates the collection of specific information about the child, parents, and birth details. The bill distinguishes between information for the birth certificate and social security number issuance, and separate health and statistical data. It also addresses special circumstances such as births in transit, situations involving unwed mothers, and cases where a married mother does not provide information about her husband. The bill stipulates that the birth worksheet must be signed by a parent or informant for accuracy and certified by a medical professional within 72 hours. Hospitals or institutions are required to keep the worksheet in the mother's medical records for seven years. The bill is scheduled to become effective 60 days after its passage.

The fiscal note attached to SB 484-FN indicates no immediate impact on state, county, or local revenues, but projects an indeterminate decrease in revenue for the Vital Records Improvement Fund. The state expenditures are anticipated to be $0 for FY 2024, but are expected to be $55,000 or more for FY 2025, with indeterminate costs in subsequent years. These costs are associated with the redesign and distribution of new birth worksheets and updates to the electronic forms in the NHVRIN system. The bill may also present challenges in correcting data errors with the CDC, potentially affect federal grant revenues, and increase state expenditures due to operational changes and data request processes within the DHHS. The fiscal impact of the bill is not expected to occur until FY 2025. The Department of State and the Department of Health and Human Services have been consulted regarding the bill.