The bill establishes a Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Fund within the Department of Health and Human Services. The purpose of this fund is to distribute money to hospitals to assist them in completing federally required disproportionate share hospital examinations. These examinations are necessary for hospitals that serve a large number of low-income patients and receive additional payments to cover the costs associated with providing care to these patients.

The bill amends RSA 6:12, I(b)(338) to include the DSH Fund and adds a new subparagraph (395) to ensure that money deposited into the DSH Fund is properly accounted for. It also amends RSA 167:64 by adding a new paragraph V, which details the establishment of the DSH Fund, its separation from other funds, and the nonlapsing and continual appropriation of its moneys for redistributing funds among hospitals for compliance with federal examinations. The act is effective upon its passage, with an approval and effective date of July 26, 2024. There are insertions in the text that specify the inclusion of the DSH Fund in the existing law, but no deletions are mentioned.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 6:12, 167:64
As Amended by the House: 6:12, 167:64
Version adopted by both bodies: 6:12, 167:64