This bill adds a traffic-calming scheme on a portion of Route 101 to the New Hampshire 10-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. The bill requires the Department of Transportation to include in the plan a proposal to address chronic severe crashes on Route 101 from Bedford at Hitching Post Lane to the intersection of Route 101 and Route 101A in Milford. The plan must be consistent with the recommendations of the 2002 New Hampshire Route 101 Corridor Plan, which includes implementing physical separation of traffic lanes that have opposite directions of travel and addressing access management consistent with limited access highway design.
The fiscal impact of this bill is an increase in expenditures. The bill requests nearly 11 miles of improvements to be consistent with the 2002 New Hampshire Route 101 Corridor Plans. The estimated cost of the project is $7,000,000 per year, with $1,400,000 from state funds and $5,600,000 from federal funds. The project would require new limited access right-of-way primarily east of NH Route 122 for the new roadway, interchanges, water quality treatment measures, and connector roads. The project is eligible for Federal Highway Administration funds to a maximum of 80% of the project cost. The bill would delay existing projects already funded in the 10-Year Plan.