The bill SB 419-FN, as amended, revises the current law on the therapeutic use of cannabis by requiring the commissioner of the department of health and human services to report additional information annually. This includes the number of inspections, complaints, investigations, noncompliance statements, correction plans, hearings, and enforcement actions related to alternative treatment centers. The bill also allows qualifying patients and designated caregivers to cultivate cannabis for therapeutic use, defining "cultivation location" and updating the definition of "designated caregiver." It sets out the conditions for cultivation, including allowable amounts of cannabis and plants, and extends protections to laboratories testing cannabis.

Additionally, the bill specifies that tenants and guests cannot cultivate cannabis on rented property if prohibited by the lessor, but they can still allow the use of cannabis through ingestion or vaporization. It requires registry identification cards to include cultivation locations and establishes a confidential registry, accessible to law enforcement under certain conditions. The bill sets a deadline for reporting cultivation locations and provides an affirmative defense for cannabis-related offenses if chapter provisions are complied with. It also limits the amount of cannabis and seedlings that can be possessed and specifies the effective dates for different sections of the act. The fiscal note attached to the bill states that there is no fiscal impact on the state, county, or local governments, and all references to potential fiscal impacts have been removed from the text.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 126-X:1, 126-X:10
As Amended by the Senate: 126-X:10
As Amended by the House: 126-X:10, 126-X:1, 126-X:2, 126-X:3, 126-X:4, 126-X:5, 126-X:6