This bill establishes a committee to study emergency mental health services for individuals 21 years of age and younger in New Hampshire. The committee will consist of two members of the Senate, appointed by the president of the Senate, and three members of the House of Representatives, appointed by the Speaker of the House. Members will receive mileage compensation at the legislative rate for their service. The committee's duties include reviewing current behavioral health laws, insurance coverage, and claims data; assessing coverage gaps and parity compliance issues; soliciting expert testimony; and recommending legislation to address identified issues in behavioral health insurance coverage for the specified age group.

The committee is required to elect a chairperson from among its members, convene its first meeting within 45 days of the act's effective date, and achieve a quorum with four members. A report of the committee's findings and recommendations for proposed legislation is due by November 1, 2024. The act will take effect upon its passage. According to the fiscal note provided by the Office of Legislative Budget Assistant, as amended by the Senate, the bill has no fiscal impact on state, county, or local expenditures or revenue. There are no agencies listed as contacted for the fiscal note, and no specific insertions or deletions of legal language are indicated in the provided text.