This bill amends the composition of the university system board of trustees to include three student trustees, with one each from Keene State College, Plymouth State University, and the University of New Hampshire. The bill also stipulates the removal of the member elected by the alumni of Granite State College, with this change set to take effect on June 30, 2025.

The bill repeals and reenacts RSA 187-A:13, III to reflect the new structure of the board of trustees, and it repeals RSA 187-A:13, VII, which pertains to the election of a trustee by Granite State College alumni. The changes regarding the student trustees will take effect 60 days after the passage of the act, while the repeal concerning the Granite State College alumni-elected member will become effective on the specified date in 2025.

Statutes affected:
As Amended by the Senate: 187-A:13
As Amended by the House: 187-A:13
Version adopted by both bodies: 187-A:13