The bill SB 137-FN proposes significant changes to the laws regulating the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages by repealing the existing nano brewery license and introducing a new four-tiered beverage manufacturer license system based on domestic sales volume. The new system has a fee structure ranging from $240 for sales under 500 barrels to $1,692 for sales over 15,000 barrels annually. The bill also amends various sections of the law to remove references to nano breweries, such as excluding them from the definitions of "contract brewer" and "wholesale distributor," and eliminating the nano brewery category from those eligible for a direct-to-consumer shipping permit and from regulations concerning delinquent payments and receipt of payments for beverage accounts.

Furthermore, the bill outlines restrictions for beverage manufacturer license holders with annual production under 2,500 barrels, including limitations on contract brewing arrangements and the ability to transport products for sampling or selling at wine manufacturers' facilities. It repeals RSA 178:12-a and RSA 178:8, VIII, which previously addressed nano brewery licenses and the sale of wine at nano breweries, respectively. The bill also introduces fines for violations of packaging or container regulations and mandates that wholesale distributors, beverage manufacturers, and brew pubs provide their current wholesale prices to the commission in writing. The proposed changes are scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2024.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 175:1, 178:27-b, 179:13, 179:33, 178:12
As Amended by the Senate: 175:1, 178:27-b, 179:13, 179:33, 178:12
As Amended by the House: 175:1, 178:27-b, 179:13, 179:33, 178:12
Version adopted by both bodies: 175:1, 178:27-b, 179:13, 179:33, 178:12