This bill amends RSA 485-A:29, I to facilitate the use of specific types of septic systems on properties with seasonal high water tables. It introduces new provisions that allow stone and pipe and concrete chamber septic systems to be designed and constructed 24 inches above the seasonal high water table. This is contingent on having a minimum of 6 inches of sand that meets the ASTM C-33 specification beneath the stone and pipe system, and the requirement that the distance above the seasonal high water table is maximized as much as possible.

The bill also outlines the submission and approval process for plans and specifications of sewage or waste disposal systems, including the requirement for local planning board approval and the necessity for resubmission if the final approved plans differ from those reviewed by the department. It mandates that the department adopt rules for the submission of plans, including details on known burial sites or cemeteries on the property, and establishes a review process for innovative/alternative wastewater treatment systems. Additionally, the bill specifies that for subdivisions not intended for construction or waste disposal, only lot lines, property boundaries, and general soil data are required. The bill is set to take effect 60 days after its passage.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 485-A:29
Version adopted by both bodies: 485-A:29